lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

GIMP - Exercise 2

Starting from the RGB model and the three channels which compose it, a fourth channel, that defines transparency, was created. Its name is Alfa.

The images' edition programs, and only in some formats - TGA, PSD, TIF... but not JPG for example -, show the four channels to define an image:

R (red), G (green), B (blue), Alfa (transparency)

How to create an alfa channel?

An alfa channel is automatically created when we add a new layer on an image. In case the alfa channel is not created, you can add it opening the layers menu and clicking on the option "Añadir canal alfa".

The option "Añadir canal alfa" appears also in the contextual menu when you click on the dialogue window "layers".

What kind of format does this channel admit?

When you save an image with an alfa channel, you should use a PNG format file. Other formats might not save the information of the alfa channel which will result in a loss of transparency.

TGA format file also admits alfa transparency, but it is not as common as the PNG.


For this exercise, we will use a photograh with the following specifications:

  • The background has to be clearly different from the person.
  • Lights and shadows should not change very suddenly.
  • Man or woman's face in the photo should not contain marked shadows or extreme reflexes.

If the image does not fulfill this requirements it will be necessary a previous work so that we can apply the Andy Warhol effect successfully.

First, we will cut out the image leaving the part of our interest, in this example, the face.

Next, with the tool "Selección difusa" (magical wand) we will select the black background to finally invert the chosen area (SELECCIONAR > INVERTIR) so now the face is selected.

We cut the selection and we paste it as a new layer. We delete the layer with the white outline ("SELECCIONAR TODO > SUPRIMIR").

Next, we transform the photo to the grey scale (COLORES > DESARTURAR).

Once we have done this, we will duplicate the layer to preserve copy of the photograph in the grey scale.

We transform the duplicated layer into an image of black pure & white pure. To do this, we click over the COLOR menu and we use the tool "UMBRAL". This tool allows us to define a threshold from which every color turns into white or black depending if it is on the right or the left hand of the threshold chosen. We do several tests until we obtain the desired result.

Then we go to the "SELECCIONAR" menu clicking on the option "POR COLOR", and finally we click again over the black area of the image to select all the black pixels.

From the "EDITAR" menu, we select "CORTAR (CTRL+X)”, and we paste the black silhouette on another layer following the next steps "EDITAR > PEGAR COMO > CAPA NUEVA".

We should have four layers:

BLACK: This layer contains the dark details (hair, eyes, shadows...).
WHITE: The layer has to be totally white.
BACKGROUND: A solid color layer.
DESATURATION: The grey scale layer that, from this moment, it is not useful for our practice.

Now what we have to do is:

  • Paint the background layer with a color.
  • Paint the black area with another color.
  • Paint the white area with a different color.

Following all these steps, we will finally obtain our Andy Warhol effect.

Repeating the last step with other colors, we can create new images quite easily to elaborate our composition.

One trick:

If in the layers palette you click the option "BLOQUEAR EL CANAL ALFA" of the black and white layers, you can paint them by using the paint pot or the spray directly without the need of selecting the black and white areas respectively.

Final note:
My regards to juanpedrobn who conceived this exercise.

lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

GIMP - Exercise 1

You will have to color a black & white photograh.


We will choose a black & white photography with enough quality and the appropriate size. The size of the photograph for this exercise has to be 1024x768 pixels.

First we need to use the tool "selección libre" to select the area we want to color. To deselect an inner part of this area, with the same tool and keeping pressed the key CRTL, we remove it.

Once we have finished, we should get out of focus in the edges of the selection area so that, when we will color it, the colored part doesn't look so artificial and the final result seems more natural. For this purpose we will use the next tools "SELECCIONAR > DIFUMINAR (FEATHER)".

Using this tool, we have to select a value between five and twenty depending on the zone chosen (the more size the more feathering).

Once we have prepared the selection, we color it. We use the tool " COLORES > COLOREAR". Then a dialogue box appears and we can configure the coloring.

Tone: red, blue, green, purple...
Saturation: color's intensity.
Brightness: defines the clarity or the darkness of the final result.

When we have found the desired finish we would click in OK. To deselect, on the menu, we will click on "SELECCIONAR > DESELECCIONAR".


We start the same as we did in the previous method, but now we will use the layers palette and we are going to color with the tool "RELLENO O CUBO".

We can also drag the selected color with the mouse from the palette to the new layer created, and the selected area will be colored automatically.

Next, we go to the layers palette and we change "MODO DE MEZCLA" from normal layer to color layer. The chosen area will color. The advantage of using layers is that we can modify the layer's opacity till we obtain the desired color.

We can also get out of focus using the following tool "FILTROS > DESENFOQUE (BLUR" over the layer so that the edges will be softened and final result will be more natural.

So now it’s your turn. Be creative!!!

Final note:
My regards to juanpedrobn who conceived this exercise.

domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017



In this practice we are going to record and edit a short film using the program Movie Maker. There are more powerful programs that can be used for this purpose – making a film - but they are not free.

Movie Maker is quite limited editing sounds and music. So you can use Audacity to record and modify the voices, add music, effects… Here I have included you a video about how to use Movie Maker.

As a general rule, all the scenes will be recorded in your free time with your mobile phones. I am going to give you an authorization that your parents will have to sign. Without this authorization signed you cannot bring the mobile phone to the School and you cannot record any scene in which your faces appear.

The editing process of the music and the images will take place during the classes.

You cannot use music or sounds under author rights because is illegal. However, you can search for free music in the Internet. There are some free music banks such as the ones listed below:


Some instructions to improve the results of your work:

  • Write a script of the story even if it is a silent movie. You need to know what to record and the order of the scenes you are going to edit during the class.
  • Record the images and the sounds with different phones. The phone recording the voices has to be near the characters in order to avoid disturbing noises.
  • Use a clapperboard (or a strong slap) to synchronize with Movie Maker the sounds and the images.
  • Record some takes from different angles at the same time.
  • If you need to change the extension of your videos (from .mp4 to another format) you can use the VLC program installed in your computer.


Here you can find some interesting videos about how to record a powerful short film:




I have also included some famous short films and the links to some festival WebPages where you could probably find some inspiration…


There are some festivals in which you can participate. I include the links to them below. There are more, but unfortunately we are out of date. Should you be interested in taking part in any of them, please, let me know as soon as possible so that we can process all the forms and requirements needed.

If you find about any other festivals and you are interested to take part in them, be so kind to inform me so that we can study the possibility of participating.


Anyway, whether you take part in a competition/festival or not, here you have the topics your short film has to be about:

  • Bullying.
  • Gender inequality and violence within the domestic and familiar environment.
  • Environment preservation and sustainability.
  • People trafficking.
  • Racism and migrant movements.
  • Corruption and how it affects to the countries' development and richness.

When all the videos will be finished we would watch them in the class. Although I haven’t mentioned it before, they have to be respectful with the rest of your classmates, teachers, people or animals. No offensive language is allowed. The reproduction or distribution of these materials outside the class it totally banned. The School will adopt disciplinary measures if you ignore these rules.

So let’s go and good luck!!!

lunes, 9 de enero de 2017


Hi students,

This practice we are going to work with POWER POINT. As I want you to be self-sufficient, I am including below some videos and tutorials where you can find information about how to use this program.

Brief tutorial
Power Point 2013 videos & tutorials

Microsoft Power Point step by step guide

In this practice you will have to create a Power Point presentation which has to deal with one of the next three topics:

  • Computing History.
  • Information Society (how the ICT are affecting our daily lives and the social organization, digital literacy, veracity of the information, deterioration of some human skills, globalization…).
  • Computing Safety (threats, antivirus, firewalls, Peer & Peer nets, privacy protection, social engineering…).

The minimum requirements the presentation has to fulfill are:

  • It has to contain a cover page and a slide with the contents and it has to be compound of no less than 30 slides and no more than 40.
  • It has to include two hyperlinks, two images with different shapes, a Smart Art diagram, a flow chart and a brief video related with the contents you are going to expose.
  • At least twenty slides have to contain personalized animations and you have to use different types of designs. Between the slides you have to apply transitions.
  • There has to be at least one group shapes.

In a next step, you will have to expound your topic to the class with the help of the presentation you have created. The talk should be in English and has to last more or less ten minutes.

Finally, you will have to publish your presentation in Slideshare so that everybody can use it. 

So, enjoy your practice!!!